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  • Queen Table, antique furniture, classic furniture | defurnitureindonesia DFRIT-60

Queen Table, Antique Furniture, Classic Furniture | Defurnitureindonesia DFRIT-60

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


Selamat datang di defurniture indonesia, Kami adalah produsen furniture langsung dari jepara yang menghadirkan produk-produk furniture yang pastinnya anda cari selama ini. Dapatkan penawaran terbaik dari kami, Serahkan semua masalah anda untuk memiliki produk furniture kepada kami. Jadikan kami patner kerja bagi anda.

Detail Queen Table, Antique Furniture, Classic Furniture | Defurnitureindonesia DFRIT-60

Queen' s Table, a table made of mahogany carvings difinishingwarna finished to the black and gold colors. We have many kinds of finishing colors such as silver, dark brown, brown tea, creme brule, purple, orange, red, brown, gold, white, black, green, etc. in accordance with consumer demand. in addition to send out of the country / export we also cater to send in the country such as: Semarang, Bandung, Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Tulungagung, Makasar, Jakarta, Bali, Jakarta, Central Java, East Java, West Java, Sumatra. We also have other products such as: table, desk / conference table, chair dining table, computer desk, living room chair, chair, sofa, chairs, wardrobes, clothing cabinets, computer cabinets, bookcase, kitchen sets, kids furniture, plantstand , vanity, gebyok, sketsel, clock cabinets, magazine racks, calligraphy, beds, dressers, mirrors, console tables, bedside tables, TV cabinets, etc.. model / style of furniture we are legion, including: French furniture, classic furniture, antique furniture, painted furniture, Indonesian furniture, mahogany furniture, teak furniture, Jepara furniture. designed by defurnitureindonesia, Indonesia Furniture, Jepara Furniture, Jepara furniture
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